Snowman lyrics - Frosty the snowman lyrics

The snowman lyrics - Frosty the snowman 

Source: Musixmatch

Jack Rollins and Steve Nelson wrote the songs.

frosty the snowman lyrics

Frosty the snowman lyrics:

Don't cry in front of me, snowman.

Who will catch your tears if you can't catch me?

If you can't catch me, sweetie, I'll catch you.

Don't cry, snowman; don't abandon me in this state.

A pool of water can't keep me at bay, sweetie.

I can't hug you close, darling, but I want you to know that I'll never go.'

Because I'm Mrs. Snow, we'll be cold till the day we die.

Yes, you are my home for all seasons.

So let's get started.

Let's go below zero and hide from the sun where we can have some fun.

Yes, let us travel to the North Pole and live happily ever after.

Please don't cry now; it's Christmas, baby.

Me and my snowman

Me and my snowman


Don't cry, snowman; you don't fear the sun.

Who will carry me if I don't have legs to run, honey?

Honey, without legs to run,

Do not weep, snowman; do not shed a tear.

Who is going to hear my secrets if you don't have ears, baby?

If you don't have ears, darling, 

I want you to know that I'll never leave 'cause 

I'm Mrs. Snow, and we'll be cold till the day we die.

Yes, you are my home for all seasons.

So let's get started.

Let's go below zero and avoid the sun.

I love you forever, and we'll have a good time.

Yes, let us travel to the North Pole and live happily ever after.

Please don't cry now; it's Christmas, baby.

Me and my snowman

Me and my snowman


sia snowman lyrics

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